

i hope one day will happen miracle in my life

people always not satisfied with what they have.........

Sunday, May 30, 2010

my life so boring

Sometime i terfikir bout my life...what will happen after this??? I dun know what will happen....hope it something nice and miracle..

Today,i terfikir bout myself...too many mistake that i've been done before and still continue...i'm not the perfect human but i try to be but i dun no how....i just want happiness, healthiness, loveliness in my life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Hari ni dah sebulan lebih aku x de keje...buat masa skang stay je le kat umah...x de benda nak buat....sangat membosankan........nak kuar g cari keje pun rasa cam malas je.....x pe le.....rehatkan minda dan badan dulu......