

i hope one day will happen miracle in my life

people always not satisfied with what they have.........

Sunday, July 18, 2010


erm...finally i get the job....dua2 interview yg aku pergi, dua2 dapat, tp aku pilih yg terdekat la...sbb satu lagi kena lalu tol and basic lagi sikit dari yg u know la the answer rite....erm...start keje 26/7 ne la dgn keje baru ni....i hope everything will be ok and aku selesa keje kat sana...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


tomorrow i will attending an interview. And one job still in process. I hope semuanya berjalan lancar. so boring no job for 3 months. huh....erm...just received a call...tomorrow will attend 2 interview - 9.30am at GP and 5pm at Tebrau 1. Hope i will get one.